Hypnotherapy for General Relaxation

General Relaxation

In today’s busy lifestyle things are moving at an incredibly hectic pace and a problem encountered by millions of people is that they do not make time to, or are simply unable to properly relax.  This causes a long-term build up of tension leading to stress which affects people in many adverse ways.  Not only in your personal life but in your professional life as well, experts state that more Work Days are lost due to stress related causes than all other illnesses put together (British Medical Council).  Your body needs to relax and taking a few minutes daily to recharge your “bodily batteries” to prevent tension and stress building up to levels which adversely affect you is recommended by Doctors and Health Professionals worldwide.  Guided Hypnosis is an enjoyable way to achieve this relaxed state and Matthew has prepared a relaxing CD for you which includes a walk in your “own” beautiful garden and private beach.

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Hypnotherapy CD’s work most effectively when used regularly, the more they are used, the more the suggestions are re-enforced.  2 or 3 times a day at first is a great start.